We are here

Main applicant : Fanni Raghman Anni Association (FRA)
Partners : Ramallah Municipality / Youth Forum for the culture of citizenship
Implementation: Tunisia – Palestine
Project duration: February 2017 – December 2017
We Are Here will implement alternative creative cells for the profit of vulnerable and discriminated young people and local population, with special attention to women in both Tunisia and Palestine using Mural and Street arts. Cultural spaces will be established in both Tunisia and Palestine: in Tunisia through reconstructing 10 cultural polyvalent spaces in schools and educative institutions located in poor marginalized interior regions, and in Palestine through establishing artistic, cultural and mural activities on the walls and in public spaces of the Old city of Ramallah, where Tunisian artists, local Palestinian artists and local community will create an open air exhibition and interactive workshops. The main objective of the project is to consolidate Street Arts as a means of work in framing public awareness and advocacy strategies to promote respect for marginalized groups and their active participation in society.
Fanni Raghman Anni Association (FRA) is a youth-driven cultural nongovernmental organisation registered in Tunis in 2013. Fanni Raghman Anni’s vision is an equal society without discrimination. FRA promotes innovative youth activism with the arts, specifically in poverty-stricken areas and marginalized neighbourhoods. The organisation is committed to raising social awareness and consciousness on human rights issues through creative and artistic expressions. The partners in this project are the Municipality of Ramallah in Palestine, and Youth Forum for the culture of citizenship an association in Tunis, working on human rights and citizenship culture promotion in interior regions.
Fanni Raghman Anni Association:
Website: www.fanniraghmananni.org
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Fanni.Tn
Ramallah Municipality:
Website: http://www.ramallah.ps/english.aspx
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/R.Municipality
Youth Forum for the culture of citizenship:
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FJCCkasserine