This workshop in cultural management is organized upon request from the Municipality of As Samou’. It aims to train people who will be directly and indirectly involved in the management of the Cultural Youth Centre (CYC), which is to open very soon. The CYC is located in the heart of the old Core of As-Samou’, in a traditional complex, Hosh Al Aqeeli, that has been recently rehabilitated. It is a multiple purpose complex that will provide a space for educational and recreational activities; for exhibitions, musical and theatre performances, and any other activities deemed relevant. It will serve a heterogeneous audience without distinction of gender, age or background and will be the first of its kind in As Samou and the first to promote music in the governorate.
The Municipality of Samou is currently very active in the development of its cultural heritage and in initiating cultural tourism, which it is trying to link to the economic development of the community, and most particularly to support its young population in providing for them job opportunities. It is trying to integrate the local itineraries it has developed to Masar Ibrahim, a cultural route that is being developed and that concludes in nearby Hebron, the capital of the Governorate[1]. The new CYC will play a pivotal role in this development process as a much needed space for cultural activities and encounters and for promoting development programmes.
The workshop theme is compatible with Med Culture’s efforts to promote culture and instill sound cultural practices in remote and marginalized areas; contribute to initiate/promote cultural spaces; enhance citizenship and public participation; contribute to enhance economic development (particularly through cultural tourism).
Med Culture is a 5-year (2014-2018) regional programme funded by the European Union to accompany partner countries in south of the Mediterranean in the development and improvement of cultural policies and practices related to the culture sector. The approach is consultative/participative and takes place in partnership with civil society actors, ministries, private and public institutions involved in culture as well as other related sectors.
Following Med Culture’s ‘Open Kitchen’ approach, the training will be interactive and will put trainees’ needs at the core of programme development.
- The workshop will introduce participants to basic principles in cultural management and strategic planning;
- It will promote principles of collaborative work and leadership skills amongst participants;
- It will focus on approaches to working with youth;
- It will introduce principles of effective communication;
- It will touch upon fund-raising techniques.
The overarching objective is to provide participants the skills in transmitting values and attitudes towards culture and its significance in building community cohesion and resilience.
The workshop will guarantee a hands-on and interactive programme that addresses project management under its many facets. :
- Strategic planning: starting with a project idea, how to develop a sound plan that can be implemented successfully.
- Partnerships that go beyond mere ‘window dressing’: addressing obstacles and barriers to real partnerships.
- Leadership and what collaborative leadership looks like.
- Working with youth: exploring different ways of building rapport with youth and engaging with youth
- Communication at many levels, including dissemination of information about the centre’s work and with the general public as a way of raising awareness of the value of the centre’s role in the development of the community.
The methodology of the workshop is to introduce participants to sound planning and implementation practices and organization skills that make for a successful project; and to instill within them a new self-awareness as cultural practitioners. It will use new tools for group building and dynamics.
Your training team bring a diversity of background, practice and experience.
Shatha SAFI is an architect and specialises in cultural projects for development. She has accumulated experience in implementing cultural heritage projects for adaptive reuse and community development and has been elemental in promoting youth and women participation through various training and awareness-raising activities. She is currently the Co-Director of Riwaq – The Centre for Architectural Conservation in Ramallah.
Waheed ZAHRAN has 17 years’ experience as trainer and facilitator. He believes in empowering people and has worked with youth through entrepreneurship programmes, career guidance and counselling in addition to business planning. He is familiar with experiential learning techniques and ‘learning by doing’. He currently works for the Drosos Foundation where he manages projects for economic empowerment and creativity.
[1] Med Culture was involved in facilitating an encounter between the Director of Masar Ibrahim and the Municipality.
Profile picture credit: www.bocconialumni.it/cross-cultural-awareness