Think Culture... Think Growth


Med Culture is a Technical Assistance Unit funded by the European Union for the promotion of culture as vector of Human, Social and Economic Development in South Mediterranean countries. 

Ateliers thématiques

Ateliers thématiques

Marrakech 2-4 March, 2016 This is the 2nd workshop in the capacity development cycle dedicated for Houna aShabab group, aimed at exploring ways to build partnerships with a range of...
The objective of this regional Peer to Peer workshop was to discuss issues related to the development of culture in the peripheries: the role of cities as potential key players in the...
The objective of this regional Peer to Peer workshop was to set the basis for what will be a long-term process and define a methodology for a definition of an action plan that is workable...
This workshop is the first within the Thematic Cycle “Broadening the base- working in the peripheries”. Each Cycle comprises two "Peer to Peer" workshops around a specific theme based on...
This 2nd workshop comes in conclusion of the Thematic Cycle “Broadening the base- working in the peripheries” , and builds on the 1st workshop held in Tunis in Sep 2015 , which tackled...
Cultural and artistic activities require specific skills and competences that can best be attained through specialised education and training; these constitute an important link in the...
