Think Culture... Think Growth


Med Culture is a Technical Assistance Unit funded by the European Union for the promotion of culture as vector of Human, Social and Economic Development in South Mediterranean countries. 

Concours des Jeunes Talents Tanjazz [MOROCCO]

Concours des Jeunes Talents Tanjazz [MOROCCO]

“Concours des Jeunes Talents Tanjazz” project supports a permanent cultural group whose mission is to help young citizens in the development of their artistic and cultural expression through innovative practices.


  1. “Concours Jeunes Talents Tanjazz” created an artistic event with 150 young musicians from different backgrounds, seeking a place to express their arts
  2. “Concours Jeunes Talents Tanjazz” trained a selected group by building their capacities in different fields: artistic, managerial and technical
  3. “Concours Jeunes Talents Tanjazz” works on turning public spaces in Morocco into free artistic spaces for the young people of the urban community
  4. “Concours Jeunes Talents Tanjazz” creates an intergenerational and intercultural mix in the Moroccan society
  5. “Concours Jeunes Talents Tanjazz” project’s result: a creation of 5 musical bands


Implementing organisation: Tabadoul
Partners: Lorin Foundation/Visa for Music