Promoting Culture in the Peripheries

The Guidelines for Promoting Culture in the Peripheries were developed based on findings and recommendations of participants in the regional consultative thematic Peer-to-Peer workshop “Broadening the Base - Work in the Peripheries”, held in September, 2015 in Tunis.
The present Guidelines are the result of the review and discussions with regard to the promotion of culture in the peripheries (in regions/cities remote from capitals and other large/prominent cities) in national/local development planning, the role of cities within this planning and their relations with central governments, access to funding and modalities of this funding, as well as implementing mechanisms, and involvement of local communities, etc.
The issue of cross-border cooperation and the role of public spaces in promoting regional exchanges was also addressed, with special focus on the barriers that countries and societies of the region face, and which hinder the promotion of ‘neighbourhood’ politics.
The Guidelines also touch on related concerns such as inclusiveness and social cohesion, tourism development, cultural heritage, and current trends in the promotion of cities (including city branding).
The present Guidelines are by no means exhaustive: they provide the requisites for urban/regional planning with a cultural component, the promotion of the role of cities as important repositories of culture, and the promotion of cross-border cooperation.
These Guidelines aim to inspire and mobilise decision-makers in government institutions across South Mediterranean countries towards a better understanding of the value of promoting culture in local development planning, particularly in regions/cities remote from capitals and other large/prominent cities. They also aim to draw the attention of decision-makers as well as cultural operators to the value of promoting local assets, mobilising local resources, and new models of cooperation – new frameworks for public-civil society partnerships, and local-regional partnerships, etc.