25 professionals selected through an open call out of 236 applicants. The group includes Cultural practitioners and artists from the civil society and private sector from 9 Arab countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, and Tunisia.
The first workshop on Reinventing Partnerships was organised in Amman, Jordan in July 2016 during which, participants addressed several issues relative to reinventing partnerships summarised in the following:
- Defined new understandings of collaborative working and teamwork;
- Deliberated on how to establish new forms of partnerships within local contexts and how to build them within their practices;
- Looked into methods that enhance partnerships, focussing on processes rather than on results; and they
- Addressed the role of communication in building partnerships and cultivating those on the longer term, taking into account cross-cultural differences and different working manners.
All throughout the first workshop, the presentations and discussions highlighted the need for flexibility, sensitivity and inventiveness in any approach to building partnerships. The workshop used case studies, encouraged exchange of experiences, and role simulation to get its main messages across as well as sharing success stories for inspiration.
This second workshop, will delve deeper into the themes addressed during the first one and will focus on three main areas:
- The value of the process in partnership building;
- Partnership organisational models and how to make them work; and
- Mobility for partnership and tools for mobility.