Think Culture... Think Growth


Med Culture is a Technical Assistance Unit funded by the European Union for the promotion of culture as vector of Human, Social and Economic Development in South Mediterranean countries. 

Legislation and Funding

Legislation and Funding

Législation Dès son indépendance en 1962, l’Algérie a commencé à légiférer dans le secteur culturel pour gérer les infrastructures existantes. Globalement, trois périodes ont marqué l’histoire de la...
Legislation The National Plan for Palestinian Culture, drawn up by the MOC and the Higher Council for Education and Culture during 2005-2006 pointed out the need to introduce several laws as the...
A - législation Un cadre législatif ancien Au niveau législatif, les décrets de loi qui encadrent le secteur datent pour beaucoup des années 1960, pour les plus anciens, et surtout des années 1980 [1...
Legislation Constitution According to the Constitution of the Kingdom, which was adopted by referendum on the first of July 2011, Arabic is the official language of the State along with Amazigh, and...
Legislation Very little is being done on the legislative level in relation to culture in Lebanon. According to the General Director of the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry is not involved at all in...
Legislation The National Charter of 1991 defines culture as local folklore and cultural identity within the framework of Arabic language [1] . It mentions that cultural heritage as well as the...
Legislation In the absence of a hundreds-of-years-old cultural tradition, within which art and culture are woven into the social and economic fabric of both the country and the private sector, it is...