Higher Education and Training in Cultural management and Cultural Policies in Southern Mediterranean countries

The study "Higher Education and Training in Cultural management and Cultural Policies in Southern Mediterranean countries" identifies and provides comprehensive information on the available cultural management and cultural policies higher education and training programs, for professionals and students interested to work in the creative and cultural sectors in the following countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia
It is the first study of its kind mapping and evaluating the existing models, formats and contents of higher education and training in the field of cultural management and cultural policies, and giving recommendations to different actors in the field. The study also identifies what is at stake in each country in terms of policies towards life-long learning and existing educational frameworks that focus on raising competences and skills of cultural operators and managers in the region.
The present study should allow all interested local, regional and international operators to develop, create or improve their vocational training programs in cultural management and complement gaps in existing programs by relying on existing capacities and introducing new initiatives (e.g. training of trainers).
The present study should also contribute to inform representatives of universities and ministries of higher education of the priorities to address, in order to attain better proposals in terms of cultural policies and cultural management education; ones that meet the expectations of students and consistent with the needs of the job market.
Author : Milena Dragičević Šešić (PhD)
Milena Dragičević Šešić (PhD) is a professor of Cultural Policy & Art Management at the University of Arts, belgrade. She is a Former President of the University of Arts, Belgrade, and she is a UNESCO Expert. She published 100 essays, 16 books (Culture: management, animation, marketing; Neo-folk culture; Art and alternative; Horizons of reading, Art management in turbulent times, Intercultural mediation in the Balkans. Translated in 17 languages.
For the realization of this study, Milena was assisted by Nina Mihaljinac, a researcher and teaching assistant at University of Arts in Belgrade, who is also Project Manager at Creative Europe Desk in Serbia, and Mohamed El Amine Moumine (PhD), Professor at Hassan II University of Casablanca and managing director of the Moulay Rachid Cultural Centre, has contributed for this research for the sections on Morocco. He is an active member of various academic research groups and associations specialized in cultural policies in the Arab region.
The present study has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of the study published under “Thematic studies” is the sole responsibility of Med Culture Technical Assistance Unit and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.